How to lure luck: 4 secrets of lucky people

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Luck is an internal position, not a combination of circumstances, our expert is sure. In order to be lucky, it is enough to have a set of certain qualities. How to be “under a happy star”?

Bad luck: fate or choice?

How serious is the assertion that luck is something like a special gift from above and does not depend on what and how we do ourselves? Let’s start with the results of the experiment, which was conducted by Professor Herdfordshire University (England) Richard Waizman. The psychologist for 10 years studied luck using a wide sample and scientific methods.

400 men and women participated in his experiment, half of them considered themselves lucky, and the second half was confident in her own bad luck. As part of the experiment, Wizman distributed to “lucky” and “unlucky” newspapers to people and asked them to count the number of illustrations.

The unsuccessful people took on average two minutes, for the successful – a few seconds. But there was a trap: on the second page of the newspaper there was a huge inscription “don’t count! Here are 43 photos “. When the psychologist conducted the experiment again, he replaced the text about photography on: “Stop counting, tell the experimenter that you saw this text and win $ 250”.

The result was repeated: the lucky message saw, unlucky – no, because they were focused exclusively on the counting photo. What is it talking about?

The chances of luck are growing in an unthinkable progression, when a person is ready to be creative, open to newly discovered capabilities. The “successful” not only focused on counting the photo, but also paid attention to the signature.

“You just got lucky!”

“It’s just lucky to earn a

Tout d’abord, c’est dangereux. Dial dans la demande de barre de recherche “est tombé du balcon pendant le sexe”, et vous découvrirez de nouvelles choses nouvelles. Deuxièmement, êtes-vous sûr levitra prix vous êtes prêt à partager les détails de votre vie sexuelle avec vos voisins? Si les vues des étrangers ne vous arrêtent pas et que le désir de rendre la passion à la hauteur est trop fort, choisissez un balcon vitré avec un partenaire, évitez les poses extrêmes avec des jambes qui lancent des jambes sur la balustrade et ne sortez pas la moitié de la fenêtre. .

lot”. “Just lucky with my husband or wife”. “And with children was lucky”. “Just”. “And I was not lucky”. And what really?

Calling someone a lucky one, we refuse to recognize his hard work and talent. Make a lot is often endless work and risks. Happy relationship – daily work of two. Education is a subtle and complex art of unconditional love and acceptance. We see only the tip of the iceberg, when the iceberg himself is deep thought processes and daily work on ourselves.

Four qualities of successful people

Often from those who voluntarily signed up for the “Unlucky Club”, one can hear one negativity. Their world is painted in dark tones, they themselves are in constant tension, because everything is around – enemies and ill -wishers. But what qualities are developing the lucky ones:

1. Creativity

Successful people create, use opportunities and immediately act. And do it outside the generally accepted framework and rules. They try to find their way everywhere, unlike anyone else, to get a special result. Lucky people look around and see new prospects (and at the same time a thousandth bill on the sidewalk). Unlucky spend their resource on constant discussion of problems. They are focused on finding new disappointments.

2. Intuition

The lucky ones trust their emotional intellect. They know how to feel and other people, easily control their emotions and use it in solving problems. To doubt, to jam your inner voice, not to ask yourself: “And what do I want now?” – this is rather about unlucky.

3. Calm

Lucky does not get alarm, even when something goes not according to plan. “Yes, it didn’t work, it will work out next time, I’ll go again.”. Only in a state of mental balance we find the strength to notice the details and confidently use all the possibilities. Anxiety gives rise to anxiety. This is an eternal vicious circle. If you do not interrupt it, he will drag out for many years and will outwill all your energy. For pleasure and happiness it is not at all necessary to pay suffering and pain.

4. Optimism

Everything is simple here: we expect the best and increase our chances to get it. The lucky ones, as it were, determine the course of events with their confidence that everything will be exactly as they need. Self -proclaimed losers constantly complain and compete with each other, who has poorer, children of naughty and lawn ugly.

“Someone collects cream, and I am only problems”

If the word “problem” is often found in your formulations, then you think from a negative position. How to happen here to something good? It is worth seeing the opportunity at the place where, in other cases, you would notice only troubles. Stop evaluating life as a series of disappointments and failures. Relax, finally.

To start attracting “happy inclicables” to yourself, you need to constantly ask yourself questions:

  • What is the opportunity for me?
  • What else can I get from this situation?
  • How else can I improve the result?

Even if the event does not have the most rainbow color, it is important to see in it not a threat, but a chance. A chance to change, improve, increase.

Let’s look at the concept of “luck” on a simple example. Let’s say the fence can be built based on this position: “Now I will be sure of my safety even more”. And you can from this: “There is a continuous danger around, at any time they can attack”.

We ourselves set the tone for what is happening. And the faster we take this fact, the earlier we feel happier, successful, lucky.

So what is needed to become a “lucky”?

  1. Be an optimist and expect the best.
  2. Remember that there is no problem – there is an interesting task.
  3. Inner voice.
  4. Look for opportunities everywhere and always.
  5. Be creative! Each new day is a new page of life, and there can be a lot of beautiful. See this beautiful or not – decide.

If you set your unconscious correct installations and work regularly on the image of thinking, you can not only catch, but tame the bird of happiness. And feed her.

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